
General Information Only:

The content provided through Anabots' services, including all text, photographs, images, illustrations, graphics, audio, video and audio-video clips, and other materials, whether provided by us or by other account holders or third parties, is not intended to be and should not be used in place of (a) the advice of your personal advisor; (b) a visit, call or consultation with your service provider, or any other healthcare professional; (c) information contained on or in any product packaging or label. Our services do not constitute business, medical, legal, or any other professional advice.

No Endorsement of Third Party Content:

Anabots may provide third party content on the services and may provide links to web pages and content that are not owned or controlled by us, including content supplied by other users. We do not endorse or assume any responsibility for any such third-party sites, information, materials, products, or services. If you access a third party website or content from Anabots, you do so at your own risk, and you understand that this Disclaimer and our Terms and Conditions do not apply to your use of such sites.

SMS and Email Communications:

You acknowledge that any reliance on any advice, opinion, statement, or other information displayed or distributed through our SMS and email communications is at your sole risk. Prior to purchasing any third-party products or services described on the website, you are advised to verify pricing, product quality and other information necessary to make an informed purchase. Neither Anabots nor any of its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, agents, representatives or licensors shall have any liability arising from your purchases of third-party goods or services based upon the information provided on the website, and we shall not receive or review complaints regarding such purchases.

AI Services:

The AI services provided by Anabots are based on aggregate data and algorithms that may not be accurate in every case. Anabots is not responsible for any errors in content or inaccuracies in data generated by the use of its AI services. Users should verify all generated content independently. Anabots does not provide warranties or guarantees regarding the accuracy, reliability, or legality of any information provided through its AI services.

Limitation of Liability:

Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, shall Anabots be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the services or any content or functions thereof, even if Anabots has been advised of the possibility of such damages.